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Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Writers Movement Member: Kisha Green

Kisha Green is no stranger to the literary world. She is the well-informed and very knowledgeable publisher of DivaBooksInc. author of many books under her imprint, including "And Even If I Did," "If It Aint One Thing, It's Another," "Dear Mommy" and "Mental Seduction." In 2007, Green was nominated Self-Published Author of the Year.

As the host of her own Blog Talk Radio show, "Writer's Life Chats," (
Green interviews aspiring as well as seasoned authors, such as Francis Ray.Writer's Life Chats has been nominated for Best BlogTalk Show in 2008 and 2009. She is also a book reviewer whose work has appeared on the websites Urban Book Source (, Shelfari ( and, among others.

Green is a senior writer for Mahogany Butterfly (, a website created to embrace and celebrate womanhood, regardless of shape, size or color. Kisha also participated in a panel discussion at a Rutgers University seminar, where she sat with other authors and poets, speaking with students about the literary industry: publishing and writing books, the importance of investing in an editor, and the hardships up-and-coming authors may face.

With fellow New Jersey self-published author/publisher Marie Antoinette, Green recently launched Literary Jewels (, a helpful resource for aspiring writers in interested self-publishing but need direction.

Green has a jones for literature and is a firm believer in "each one, teach one." She assures, "There is room at the top for everyone in the literary world." Green is destined to take literary Hollywood by storm.

To learn more about Kisha Green, visit

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